We help organizations build a more diverse, inclusive and equitable environment.
Equity and Inclusion Workshops
The Power of Engagement
At L.E.B. Partners, we strongly believe that engagement, especially across difference, is critical in building inclusive and equitable environments.
This interactive workshop helps participants do just that! We will explore group memberships (privileged/power and marginalized/underrepresented), and the dynamic of being an individual while belonging to groups. We’ll do this by helping participants understand different lived experiences by sharing our own. We’ll finally share some practical and tactical ways for each participant to make a positive impact on inclusivity and equity.
Identifying and Mitigating Bias
At L.E.B. Partners we understand bias lives in every organization and acknowledging it is key in understanding how to mitigate/eliminate it…especially when it comes to an organization’s critical decisions.
This interactive session starts with an introduction of biases and the impacts they have on organizations and their ability to build diverse, inclusive and equitable work environments. We will quickly shift to how biases so easily show up by sharing our own and then focus on how we can manage ourselves through these biases eventually leading to elimination of the bias.
Leading with Listening
At L.E.B. Partners we strongly believe a more intentional and skillful listener makes a stronger and more inclusive leader and teammate.
In this interactive session we’ll focus on active/empathic listening by sharing experiences and guided reflection. You’ll get the opportunity to learn more about those in our (when we work with a team we include ourselves as part of the team) community better through small group conversations and feedback. We feel this will help to build a more inclusive experience for all and help each of us be more skillful in our engagements across difference.
Let us build a session specifically for your organization
We can work with you directly to build a workshop/session specifically tailored to your needs.